Getting things ready…

I plan on building the KBD75 on Saturday, so in preparation, I’ve started clipping and lubing the replacement stabilizers I received today. Since I’m a sucker for some bling, I opted for 24k gold Cherry stabilizers from Originative to go with the 24K 100g springs I have in the switches I’m putting in the board.

As mentioned in a previous post, I ordered stabs from multiple vendors, and Originative’s arrived first. All the others are slated to arrive on Friday, so I’ll have extras (for my next build).


I’m giving a friend one of my old keyboards (a Magicforce 68 with Outemu browns), so I’m giving the keyboard a good clean, and disinfecting the keycaps with denture tablets because I’m not anĀ asshole.

Pic of the day: Keycap Kid Inner Key

Here’s an interesting one: this is KEYCAP KID‘s first foray into “artisan” keycaps. There has been some discussion as to what defines an artisan keycap, as his “Inner Key” was actually digitally sculpted, and 3D-printed. After printing, it is hand painted to it’s selected colorway. For his first cap for sale (with very limited numbers of 10 per colorway for now), he knocked it out of the park, in my opinion.

Not only is it incredibly high quality (it was printed using photopolymer resin, so no “lines” or any of the other pitfalls of traditional 3D-printing), but it’s an incredibly interesting and detailed design. I am looking forward to what he comes out with in the future if this is just a sample of what he can do.