More things from things I don’t play…

Two new caps today: my HydralESC (formerly the Zergling) from Clackeys, and my constantly out of stock D.Va aluminum keycap from HolyOOPS ordered from Geekkeys that also took forver to get here (thanks, customs).

The HyrdralESC is another intricate 3D sculpted and 3D printed keycap (mine is in the “bronze” finish), and really impresses me with the amount of detail on it. The D.Va cap is milled aluminum, and has that satisfying cold feel and weight that you would expect from something aluminum. It’s anodized, with a polished top and laser-etched front logo.

Not quite sure yet where the HydralESC is going to live, but I think for now, the D.Va cap will be on my CNC switch keychain (which lives on top of my desk as a psuedo-fidget toy).